Southeastern New Hampshire Mineral Club

The Southeastern New Hampshire Mineral Club was formed in Dover, NH by several avid mineral collectors in the spring of 1956. The first newsletter of the club (they called it a ‘yearbook’) went out to 30 members in 1959. They published additional yearbooks in 1960 and 1961 and then changed to a monthly newsletter in 1963.
In 2003, the club held its first 1-day Gem and Mineral Show. Over the years, due to its success, it was expanded to a 2-day show and enjoys a very good reputation with collectors, dealers, and members. In 2015, the club renamed the show to the Earl and Malvina Rock, Gem and Mineral Show, in memory of Earl and Melvina Packard who were long-time club supporters, knowledgeable collectors and good friends to the club and its members. The show is the major source of funding for the Scholarship Program initiated under the guidance of Earl Packard and supported by the entire club. This scholarship program is open to any student of the Geo-sciences.
Monthly Meetings:
Our meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month unless otherwise noted (Sept. - June). We meet at St. John's Methodist Church, 28 Cataract Street, Dover NH 03820 from 7 - 9 pm. Each meeting includes a speaker or video teaching us about different topics in Mineralogy and Geoscience. Many members have been mineral enthusiasts for a long time and can help with mineral identification or other related topics. Meetings are open to the public and all are welcomed to join us and listen in on our discussions.
Field trips are typically scheduled from the beginning of May through the end of October and take us to localities in New Hampshire, Maine and throughout New England. Fieldtrips are available to current members only, so become a member so you can join in the fun.
Club Mineral Show:
Each year we host a Mineral & Gem show where many dealers are available offering everything from minerals to gems, jewelry and crafts. Our shows are held at the Dover Elks Lodge #184, 24 Durham Rd, Dover, NH.
Dealer inquires can be made to Brian at
We have a Monthly Newsletter called "Granite Chips" where we announce club news and updates.